Monday, November 3, 2008

Dreamweaver CS3 crashes after Daylight Savings Time ends

Today, I start working on DreamWeaver writting some code for a Special (Secret) project we are developing for the Christmas season, and Dreamweaver CS3 start crashing every time I selected something on a php code trying to copy it to another file I was creating, I was becoming crazy until a Kareem, a good friend of mine suggested to google the simptoms... and guess what, I found a tech note on the Adobe Dreamweaver forum... and the failure was related to the time change... Come one... it did not happened on the year 2000 (The famous bug) and is happening to Adobe, on 2008 with Daylight Savings Time... LOL... here is the link to the Post on the Adobe Website:

So here is the simptoms: This page contained regular HTML and some PHP includes. Whenever I selected text or clicked and dragged the mouse to select text, Dreamweaver crashed with the error:

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Good luck!

1 comment:

Martypaz said...

The solution to this can be found at BeetrootStreet Blog

Hope it helps you
