Good news for the Iphone users: Mobile Video is on its way. U-Stream, is developing a new application for the Iphone. The application will let users watch any Ustream channel, live, directly from their iPhone. And not only that, users will also see and be able to participate in the live chat around the video as well, so now you'll be able to experience "One Church Where you are" live from your Iphone!
I found at TechCrunch an article about it and it includes the info required to get the Beta version of the application. You can get it from the article or just follow this instructions:
Instructions to get the beta Application:
1) Plug the iPhone into your computer
2) Wait for the iPhone info to appear in iTunes
3) click on the words “Serial Number” to cause it to change to “Identifier”
4) double-click the identifier number (the long string of characters) and then press cmd-C (Mac) or ctrl-C (Windows) to copy it
5) email that identifier to so we can build a custom version for that phone using the iPhone SDK
6) Wait for the response :)
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